
Most instruments create sound in a mid to high frequency range and a bass can fill in the low tones to give a nice full sound.  Bass parts can be as simple as playing the root note of a chord, or can add interest while playing scales or transition notes between chords.  Most quiet songs lend themselves to simple parts and fast or loud songs provide space for complex parts.

While it is easy to learn how to play root notes and jam with a band, it is important to not plateau and end your learning there.  Continue by learning scales, bluegrass bass technique, blues runs, chords, and all the common transition notes. Play along with other styles of music.  Learn to play slap bass. Practice melodic lines… Who knows, a bass solo might fit a song really well.

Memorize the music you play at each gig.  Bassists are notorious for burying their heads in the music and not looking around at the other people in the room. Remember that no matter how intently you look at the music, the notes will never change.  They will still be the same, easy to memorize patterns. So learn them!

The Spirit works in mysterious ways through a bass. Those low tones can stir a person’s soul in a way no other instrument can. It is very important to be intentional with the parts you play and be sensitive to what the Spirit is doing in the room. Look at the faces of the worshipers.  If they are solemn, don’t distract them. If they are joyful and engaged, play something interesting. If they are bored and talking amongst themselves, use your skills to grab their attention.

Don’t feel like you have to play throughout an entire song.  If you wait to come in to a song until after the first verse or chorus, you can add quite a bit of interest.  Bass frequencies are very intrusive to the brain and can tire ears quicker than the other instruments so dropping out during a bridge or a quiet part in the middle of a song can be a nice break, especially if you’re playing loud. That being said, since the bass in the only instrument playing in the low frequencies, it is very noticeable when a bass drops out or comes in.  Choose those parts wisely.